Offer licenses for your music

Offer your music through our ditribution partners and provide your music directly to Commercial and Creative Users (i.g. TV shows & series, movies, commercials, documentaries, etc) for fair compensation.

In addition, even if you have 1 song or 100, you are welcome to participate in our active background music platform for stores, adding automatically more revenue to your vendor account every month.

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Get your music streamed and earn more!

We will pay you a fair monthly amount, according to the times your songs will be broadcasted in our network of affiliated stations.

Each musical work of our Repertoire goes through free mastering in collaborating studios, to achieve the optimum sound for internet and radio broadcasting. We will never ask you to pay anything for the preparation, mastering and promotion of your music.

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Allow your music to be heard

Through our cooperation with online and traditional radio stations across the globe, your music will be streamed directly to businesses everywhere (streamed, not downloaded).

We believe that for someone to purchase your music, it should reach his /her ears. We promote the use of streaming music in public spaces and help you develop the commercial aspect of your Artistic creation.

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Collective Management Organisation (CMO)

RadioPro Rights Management Limited operates as a Collective Management Organisation (CMO) as described in the directive 2014/26/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of 26 February, 2014.

RadioPro Rights Management Limited complies with the definition of a licensing body specified in section 265 of the Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000 and the definition of a Collective Management Organisation (CMO), as described in Regulation 2 of the European Union (Collective Rights Management) (Directive 2014/26/EU) Regulations 2016 (S.I. No. 156/2016) and in the Article 3 (a) of the EU Directive 2014/26/EU.

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A fair deal for your Safety and Freedom

The copyrights to the lyrics and music, as well as any related rights for performing, are kept with their original owners and are not transferred permanently to us.

Working with us means that you will remain at all times the owner of your copyright and related rights, contrary to what happens today with many performance rights organizations and copyright societies.

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