Who we are
We are Artists and Rightsholders. We represent the rights of our music in Ireland and the rest of the EU.
We are not all world famous Artists, however we love music and we need to have our music heard. We believe that if our music becomes part of a larger repertoire, it will actually be lost and our rights will not not be guarded the way we wish.
Our goal is to use technology to reach end users, gather royalties and distribute money in a transparent way. For example, when the end user receives and pays an invoice for the royalties of our repertoire, that amount is immediately divided and posted into Rightsholder digital wallet accounts. The Rightsholders have an immediate, real time access to all money collected and will be able to request a payout whenever funds are available.
Our team has deep experience in royalty management. At the same time we create solutions to make our life as Artists and Rightsholders easier, using technology to automate royalty management tasks.